ALox  V. 2402 R. 0
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Java Reference

Welcome to ALox for Java!

This part of the ALox Logging library documentation is specific to its Java Implementation.
The following information is found here:


Project Setup

The steps to configure Eclipse or any other Java IDE to support ALox is described here: IDE Setup for ALox for Java.

ALox for Android

The Java Version is compatible with Android development and supports logging into LogCat. To stream ALox into LogCat create a Logger of type AndroidLogCatLogger instead of type ConsoleLogger

Log.setVerbosity( new AndroidLogCatLogger("LogCat"), Verbosity.VERBOSE );

Attention: The normal ConsoleLogger would not produce any visible output using the Android Emulator or a debugging device.

Pruning ALox from your release code

Java does not provide a built-in mechanism to "prune" the debug log messages from the code. There are a range of tools available on the java tools market, that provide such feature (most commonly along with so called "obfuscation"). Samples of such tools will be given here in the future. (We are very thankful to receive your experience and tool description to incorporate into this documentation).

Organization of code

In the class lists of this documentation, besides ALox you will find a few classes that we call the "A-Worx Util" classes. They reside in the namespace:

Next to the provision of basic functionality, the motivation for creating util classes is to provide a similar interface to basic functionality of ALox across languages and platforms. In other word, the utility functions help ALox code to be very much alike across different languages and platforms

ALox itself consist of three namespaces. The main classes that the user of ALox interfaces with reside in:

Some specific Loggers are found in:

Internal classes are located in: