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AString Class Reference

Class Description

A mutable string, that provides public access to its internal buffer and fields. First of all, the existence of this class is motivated to reach a certain level of compatibility between source code that uses the ALib across different languages (currently Java, C# and C++) whose implementations share a similar AString class.

As the given C#/Java StringBuilder/Buffer classes are either "sealed" and/or do not provide direct access to the internal buffer, to avoid conversion to new immutable strings in certain situations, the A-Worx Library implements its own string class. More complex functions, like extended formatting operations are not supported and remain the domain of the language specific class libraries.


Class AString is 'nullable', which means, that an instance may have no internal character array allocated. If constructed with zero size, a null pointer or another AString which is 'nulled' (but not a non-null, zero length string object of any type), the allocation size is 0. Nevertheless, method Buffer will return a valid empty char[] (a static singleton). This has the advantage that in many situations the null-state is not needed to handled specially (those cases where the difference between a nulled and an empty string is irrelevant). Consequently, it makes a difference if an AString is constructed using AString() or "AString(\""). This allows to differentiate between 'nulled' AStrings and empty AStrings, which is quite handy in certain situations. An object that was filled already can be reset to represent null by either assigning a nulled AString, by invoking SetBuffer(0) or by invoking SetNull on the instance. See also methods IsNull, IsNotNull and Capacity. The methods Equals and CompareTo allow null comparisons. e.g. an nulled AString equals to another nulled AString but not to a zero length, not nulled AString.

Non-checking methods

In general, AString methods are internally checking the provided parameters. For example, method _( AString src, int regionStart, int regionLength = int.MaxValue) is adjusting the provided region information to fit to the size of the provided AString.
Chances are high, that the code invoking this method "knows" about the correctness of the region. In this case, the checks are redundant.

For avoiding unnecessary checks, various methods are provided by AString that omit such checks. These methods share the same name as the standard one, with the suffix "_NC" appended (NC stands for "no checks").

In the sample above, if the calling code was sure about the parameters regionStart and regionLength being in the bounds of src, method _NC( AString src, int regionStart, int regionLength ) can be used.

The following rules apply to all methods which suffixed by _NC:
  • Parameters are not checked for being null.
  • Index, size, length, region start/end and other parameters are not checked to be correct
  • If parameters are incorrect, the result of the methods is undefined and in debug compilations an assertion may be raised.
  • Append methods that in their original version would set a nulled AString to non nulled state in the case that an empty string or string region is appended, are not confirming to this principle in their _NC version. In other words, nulled strings keep being nulled if empty strings are appended.
  • In the Java and C# versions of the AWorx Library, the hash value of an AString object keeps being cached when invoking an _NC method. This may lead to wrong behavior, e.g. when an AString object is used as a key of a hash table. To avoid errors, within a context that makes use of an AStrings' hash value, before each hash code retrieval (C#: GetHashCode(), Java: hashCode()), it has to be certified that at least one of the methods manipulating the object has to be a non _NC method.
  • Apart from the previous points, the behavior and result of invoking an _NC version of a method is the same as of invoking the original version. The only difference is in a higher execution performance.

Public Static Methods

static bool IsNull (Object o)
static bool IsNullOrEmpty (AString ms)

Public Methods

Constructors and Destructor

 AString ()
 AString (int size)
 AString (AString src, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
 AString (Substring src)
 AString (String src, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
 AString (StringBuilder src, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
Memory allocation and buffer access

char[] Buffer ()
void SetBuffer (int newCapacity)
void EnsureRemainingCapacity (int spaceNeeded)
int Capacity ()
void SetNull ()
bool IsNull ()
bool IsNotNull ()
int SetLength (int newLength)
void SetLength_NC (int newLength)
int Length ()
bool IsEmpty ()
bool IsNotEmpty ()
Insert and Delete

AString Clear ()
AString _ ()
AString InsertAt (char[] src, int cStart, int cLength, int pos)
AString InsertAt (AString src, int pos)
AString InsertAt (Substring src, int pos)
AString InsertAt (String src, int pos)
AString InsertAt (StringBuilder src, int pos)
AString InsertChars (char c, int qty, int pos)
AString InsertChars (char c, int qty)
AString ReplaceSubstring (char[] src, int cStart, int cLength, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString ReplaceSubstring (AString src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString ReplaceSubstring (Substring src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString ReplaceSubstring (String src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString ReplaceRegion (char c, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString Delete (int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString Delete_NC (int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString DeleteStart (int regionLength)
AString DeleteStart_NC (int regionLength)
AString DeleteEnd (int regionLength)
AString DeleteEnd_NC (int regionLength)
AString Trim (char[] trimChars=null)
int TrimAt (int idx, char[] trimChars=null)
AString TrimStart (char[] trimChars=null)
AString TrimEnd (char[] trimChars=null)
Basic formatting

AString NewLine ()
AString Tab (int tabSize, int minPad=1, char tabChar=' ')
AString Field (int size=-1, Alignment alignment=Alignment.Right, char padChar=' ', int fieldStart=int.MaxValue)
Appending characters and strings

AString _NC (char[] src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString _ (Object src)
AString _NC (Object src)
AString _ (AString src)
AString _ (AString src, int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString _NC (AString src)
AString _NC (AString src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString _ (char[] src)
AString _ (char[] src, int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString _ (Substring substring)
AString _NC (Substring src)
AString _ (String src)
AString _ (String src, int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString _NC (String src)
AString _NC (String src, int regionStart, int regionLength)
AString _ (StringBuilder src)
AString _ (StringBuilder src, int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString _ (char c)

int CompareTo (String needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive, int needleRegionStart=0, int needleRegionLength=int.MaxValue, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
int CompareTo (AString needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive, int needleRegionStart=0, int needleRegionLength=int.MaxValue, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
int CompareTo (char[] needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive, int needleRegionStart=0, int needleRegionLength=int.MaxValue, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
int CompareTo (Substring needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
bool ContainsAt (String needle, int pos, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool ContainsAt (char[] needle, int needleStart, int needleLength, int pos, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool ContainsAt (AString needle, int pos, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool ContainsAt (Substring needle, int pos, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool StartsWith (String needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool StartsWith (AString needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool StartsWith (Substring needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool EndsWith (String needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool EndsWith (AString needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool EndsWith (Substring needle, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
override bool Equals (Object o)
bool Equals (AString compareString, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool Equals (String compareString, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool Equals (Substring compareString, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
bool Equals (Object compareString, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)

int IndexOf (char needle, int startIdx=0)
int IndexOfOrLength (char needle)
int IndexOfOrLength (char needle, int startIdx)
int IndexOf (String needle, int startIdx=0, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
int IndexOf (AString needle, int startIdx=0, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
int IndexOf (Substring needle, int startIdx=0, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
int IndexOfAny (char[] needles, Inclusion inclusion, int startIdx=0)
int LastIndexOf (char needle, int startIndex=int.MaxValue)
int LastIndexOfAny (char[] needles, Inclusion inclusion, int startIdx=int.MaxValue)

int SearchAndReplace (char needle, char replacement, int startIdx=0)
int SearchAndReplace (String searchStr, String newStr, int startIdx=0, int maxReplacements=int.MaxValue, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
int SearchAndReplace (AString searchStr, AString newStr, int startIdx=0, int maxReplacements=int.MaxValue, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
AString SearchAndReplaceAll (AString searchStr, AString newStr, int startIdx=0, int maxReplacements=int.MaxValue, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
AString SearchAndReplaceAll (String searchStr, String newStr, int startIdx=0, int maxReplacements=int.MaxValue, Case sensitivity=Case.Sensitive)
AString ToUpper (int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString ToLower (int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
AString Escape (Switch escape=Switch.On, int regionStart=0, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)

AString _ (int value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _ (int value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _ (uint value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _ (uint value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _ (long value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _ (long value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _ (ulong value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _ (ulong value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _Bin (ulong value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _Bin (ulong value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _Hex (ulong value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _Hex (ulong value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _Oct (ulong value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _Oct (ulong value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
AString _ (double value, int overrideWidth=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
AString _ (double value, NumberFormat numberFormat)
override String ToString ()
String ToString (int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue)
StringBuilder ToString (StringBuilder result, int regionStart, int regionLength=int.MaxValue, bool appendMode=false)
StringBuilder ToString (StringBuilder result, bool appendMode=false)
ulong ParseDecDigits (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
long ParseInt (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
long ParseInt (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
long ParseInt (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
long ParseInt (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
long ParseInt (NumberFormat numberFormat)
long ParseInt (out int newIdx)
ulong ParseDec (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseDec (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
ulong ParseDec (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseDec (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseDec (NumberFormat numberFormat)
ulong ParseDec (out int newIdx)
ulong ParseBin (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseBin (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
ulong ParseBin (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseBin (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseBin (NumberFormat numberFormat)
ulong ParseBin (out int newIdx)
ulong ParseHex (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseHex (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
ulong ParseHex (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseHex (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseHex (NumberFormat numberFormat)
ulong ParseHex (out int newIdx)
ulong ParseOct (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseOct (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
ulong ParseOct (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseOct (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
ulong ParseOct (NumberFormat numberFormat)
ulong ParseOct (out int newIdx)
double ParseFloat (int startIdx, NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
double ParseFloat (int startIdx=0, NumberFormat numberFormat=null)
double ParseFloat (int startIdx, out int newIdx)
double ParseFloat (NumberFormat numberFormat, out int newIdx)
double ParseFloat (NumberFormat numberFormat)
double ParseFloat (out int newIdx)
C# std library interface implementation

override int GetHashCode ()

Protected Fields

char[] buffer =CString.NullBuffer
int fieldReference =0
 A marker for the start of the actual field.
int hash =0
int length =0
int tabReference =0
 The tab reference position. This is set when NewLine is invoked.

Protected Methods

bool resizeRegion (int regionStart, int regionLength, int newLength)

Character access

char? this[int idx] [get, set]
char CharAt (int idx)
char CharAt_NC (int idx)
void SetCharAt (int idx, char c)
void SetCharAt_NC (int idx, char c)
char CharAtStart ()
char CharAtStart_NC ()
char CharAtEnd ()
char CharAtEnd_NC ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AString() [1/6]

AString ( )

Constructs an empty AString. Does not allocate a buffer.

◆ AString() [2/6]

AString ( int  size)

Constructor allocating a specific buffer size.

This constructor is useful for AString objects whose minimum future string length is predictable to avoid recurring incremental allocations up to the known minimum size.
sizeThe initial size of the internal buffer.

◆ AString() [3/6]

AString ( AString  src,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Constructor copying Substring another AString.

srcThe source AString to copy from.
regionStartThe start index in ms to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the substring in ms to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.

◆ AString() [4/6]

AString ( Substring  src)

Constructor copying a Substring.

srcThe source Substring to copy from.

◆ AString() [5/6]

AString ( String  src,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Constructor copying a region of a String.

srcThe source String to copy from.
regionStartThe start index in s to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the substring in s to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.

◆ AString() [6/6]

AString ( StringBuilder  src,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Constructor copying a region of a StringBuilder.

srcThe source StringBuilder to copy.
regionStartThe start index in ms to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the substring in ms to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _() [1/22]

AString _ ( )

Clear the Buffer. Same as Clear(), really just a synonym to allow short code in alignment with the various "Append" methods named _(src)

this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [2/22]

AString _ ( AString  src)

Append the given AString.

srcThe AString to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [3/22]

AString _ ( AString  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Append a region of an AString.

srcThe AString to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [4/22]

AString _ ( char  c)

Append the given character.

cThe character to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [5/22]

AString _ ( char[]  src)

Append the given char[].

srcThe source array.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [6/22]

AString _ ( char[]  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Append a region of a char[].

srcThe source array.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [7/22]

AString _ ( double  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Formats and appends a double floating point value.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.IntegralPartMinimumWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [8/22]

AString _ ( double  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _(double,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [9/22]

AString _ ( int  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Format and append a signed 32-Bit integer value.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.DecMinimumFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [10/22]

AString _ ( int  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _(int,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [11/22]

AString _ ( long  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Format and append a signed 64-Bit integer value.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.DecMinimumFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [12/22]

AString _ ( long  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _(long,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [13/22]

AString _ ( Object  src)

Appends an object by invoking ToString on it.

srcThe AString compatible type to append
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [14/22]

AString _ ( String  src)

Append a String.

srcThe String to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [15/22]

AString _ ( String  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Append a region of a String.

srcThe String to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [16/22]

AString _ ( StringBuilder  src)

Append the given StringBuilder.

srcThe StringBuilder to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [17/22]

AString _ ( StringBuilder  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Append a region of a StringBuilder.

srcThe StringBuilder to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [18/22]

AString _ ( Substring  substring)

Append a Substring.

substringThe source array.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [19/22]

AString _ ( uint  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Format and append an unsigned 32-Bit integer value.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.DecMinimumFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [20/22]

AString _ ( uint  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _(uint,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [21/22]

AString _ ( ulong  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Format and append an unsigned 64-Bit integer value.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.DecMinimumFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _() [22/22]

AString _ ( ulong  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _(ulong,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Bin() [1/2]

AString _Bin ( ulong  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Append a unsigned 64-Bit integer value in binary format.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.BinFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Bin() [2/2]

AString _Bin ( ulong  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _Bin(ulong,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Hex() [1/2]

AString _Hex ( ulong  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Append a unsigned 64-Bit integer value in hexadecimal format.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.HexFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Hex() [2/2]

AString _Hex ( ulong  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _Hex(ulong,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [1/7]

AString _NC ( AString  src)

Append the given AString.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe AString to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [2/7]

AString _NC ( AString  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Append a region of an AString.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe AString to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [3/7]

AString _NC ( char[]  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Appends a region of a character array.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe character array containing the region to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append.
regionLengthThe length of the region in src to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [4/7]

AString _NC ( Object  src)

Appends an object by invoking ToString on it.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe AString compatible type to append
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [5/7]

AString _NC ( String  src)

Append a String.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe String to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [6/7]

AString _NC ( String  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Append a region of a String.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe String to append.
regionStartThe start of the region in src to append.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region in src to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _NC() [7/7]

AString _NC ( Substring  src)

Append a Substring.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
srcThe source Substring.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Oct() [1/2]

AString _Oct ( ulong  value,
int  overrideWidth = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Append a unsigned 64-Bit integer value in octal format.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to null, which denotes this method to use the static singleton found in NumberFormat.Computational. To generate output better readable for humans, provide NumberFormat.Global, or a customized object of that type.

See NumberFormat for more information on formatting options.

valueThe value to append.
overrideWidthIf not 0 (the default), overrides the output width otherwise specified in field NumberFormat.OctFieldWidth.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ _Oct() [2/2]

AString _Oct ( ulong  value,
NumberFormat  numberFormat 

Overloaded version of _Oct(ulong,int,NumberFormat) which provides default parameter(s).

valueThe value to append.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ Buffer()

char [] Buffer ( )

The internal buffer character array. This may, but should not be accessed directly. In case of external modifications be sure to adjust the length of this AString using SetLength.

The internal buffer array.

◆ Capacity()

int Capacity ( )

Returns the current size of the internal buffer.

The size of the allocated buffer.

◆ CharAt()

char CharAt ( int  idx)

Retrieves the character at the given index. A range check is performed. If this fails, '\0' is returned.

idxThe index of the character to read.
The character at the given index, or '\0' if index out of range.

◆ CharAt_NC()

char CharAt_NC ( int  idx)

Retrieves the character at the given index.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
idxThe index of the character to read.
The character at the given index.

◆ CharAtEnd()

char CharAtEnd ( )

Retrieve the last character. In case of an empty string, '\0' is returned.

The last character in the AString. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

◆ CharAtEnd_NC()

char CharAtEnd_NC ( )

Retrieve the first character.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
The first character in the AString. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

◆ CharAtStart()

char CharAtStart ( )

Retrieve the first character. In case of an empty string, '\0' is returned.

The first character in the AString. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

◆ CharAtStart_NC()

char CharAtStart_NC ( )

Retrieve the first character.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
The first character in the AString. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

◆ Clear()

AString Clear ( )

Clear the Buffer. Same as Delete (0, Length()) but without internal region checks.

this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ CompareTo() [1/4]

int CompareTo ( AString  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive,
int  needleRegionStart = 0,
int  needleRegionLength = int.MaxValue,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Compares a given region of a given string with a region of this instance. Regions that are out of bounds get adjusted and then compared.

needleAn object of type AString that is compared to this.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
needleRegionStartThe start of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to 0.
needleRegionLengthThe length of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
regionStartThe start of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe length of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  • 0 if this and needle are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and needle is not or if this is smaller than needle.
  • >0 if this is not nulled but needle is or if this is greater than needle.

◆ CompareTo() [2/4]

int CompareTo ( char[]  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive,
int  needleRegionStart = 0,
int  needleRegionLength = int.MaxValue,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Compares a given region of a given string with a region of this instance. Regions that are out of bounds get adjusted and then compared.

needleAn object of type char[] that is compared to this.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
needleRegionStartThe start of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to 0.
needleRegionLengthThe length of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
regionStartThe start of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe length of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  • 0 if this and needle are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and needle is not or if this is smaller than needle.
  • >0 if this is not nulled but needle is or if this is greater than needle.

◆ CompareTo() [3/4]

int CompareTo ( String  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive,
int  needleRegionStart = 0,
int  needleRegionLength = int.MaxValue,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Compares a given region of a given string with a region of this instance. Regions that are out of bounds get adjusted and then compared.

needleAn object of type String that is compared to this.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
needleRegionStartThe start of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to 0.
needleRegionLengthThe length of the substring within the given string that is to be compared to this. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
regionStartThe start of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe length of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  • 0 if this and needle are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and needle is not or if this is smaller than needle.
  • >0 if this is not nulled but needle is or if this is greater than needle.

◆ CompareTo() [4/4]

int CompareTo ( Substring  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Compares a Substring with a region of this instance. The region bounds get adjusted to fit to this AString. (If this is not wanted, external checks have to be made prior to calling this method.)

needleAn object of type char[] that is compared to this.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
regionStartThe start of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to 0.
regionLengthThe length of the substring within this string that is to be compared. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  • 0 if this and needle are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and needle is not or if this is smaller than needle.
  • >0 if this is not nulled but needle is or if this is greater than needle.

◆ ContainsAt() [1/4]

bool ContainsAt ( AString  needle,
int  pos,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if the given AString is located at the given position.

needleThe AString to search.
posThe position to look at.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
True if the given AString is found at the given position. False otherwise.

◆ ContainsAt() [2/4]

bool ContainsAt ( char[]  needle,
int  needleStart,
int  needleLength,
int  pos,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if a region of a char[] is located at the given position.

needleThe character array containing the needle.
needleStartThe index of the start of the needle within the character array.
needleLengthThe length of the needle within the character array.
posThe position to look at.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
True if the given AString is found at the given position. False otherwise.

◆ ContainsAt() [3/4]

bool ContainsAt ( String  needle,
int  pos,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if the given String is located at the given position.

needleThe string to search.
posThe position to look at.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
True if the given sequence is found at the given position. False otherwise .

◆ ContainsAt() [4/4]

bool ContainsAt ( Substring  needle,
int  pos,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if the given AString is located at the given position.

needleThe AString to search.
posThe position to look at.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
True if the given AString is found at the given position. False otherwise.

◆ Delete()

AString Delete ( int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Cuts out a region from the Buffer. A range check is performed and the region is cut to fit to the string.

See also methods Clear, DeleteStart, DeleteStart_NC, DeleteEnd and DeleteEnd_NC.
regionStartThe start of the region to delete.
regionLengthThe length of the region to delete. Defaults to int.MaxValue
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ Delete_NC()

AString Delete_NC ( int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Cuts out a region from the Buffer.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants. Like with method Delete, it is allowed that the sum of parameters regionStart and regionLength is longer than the length of this AString. In this case, this string is cut starting from index regionStart.
regionStartThe start of the region to delete.
regionLengthThe length of the region to delete.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ DeleteEnd()

AString DeleteEnd ( int  regionLength)

Deletes the given number of characters from the end of the string. The given region length is checked to be between 0 and length.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
regionLengthThe length of the region at the end to delete.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ DeleteEnd_NC()

AString DeleteEnd_NC ( int  regionLength)

Deletes the given number of characters from the end of the string.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
regionLengthThe length of the region at the end to delete.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ DeleteStart()

AString DeleteStart ( int  regionLength)

Deletes the given number of characters from the start of the string. The given region length is checked to be between 0 and length.

regionLengthThe length of the region at the start to delete.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ DeleteStart_NC()

AString DeleteStart_NC ( int  regionLength)

Deletes the given number of characters from the start of the string.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
regionLengthThe length of the region at the start to delete.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ EndsWith() [1/3]

bool EndsWith ( AString  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this AString ends with the given AString.

needleThe AString to be compared with the start of this AString. If this is null or empty, true is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given AString, false if not.

◆ EndsWith() [2/3]

bool EndsWith ( String  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this String ends with the given String.

needleThe string to be compared with the start of this AString. If this is null or empty, true is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given String, false if not.

◆ EndsWith() [3/3]

bool EndsWith ( Substring  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this AString ends with the given Substring.

needleThe Substring to be compared with the start of this AString. If this is null or empty, true is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given Substring, false if not.

◆ EnsureRemainingCapacity()

void EnsureRemainingCapacity ( int  spaceNeeded)

Ensures that the capacity of the internal buffer meets or exceeds the actual length plus the given growth value.

spaceNeededThe desired growth of the length of the string represented by this.

◆ Equals() [1/5]

bool Equals ( AString  compareString,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Tests and returns true, if the given AString equals to what this object represents. True is returned if both are zero length or null.

compareStringThe AString that is compared to this AString.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true, if contents of this and the given AString are equal

◆ Equals() [2/5]

bool Equals ( Object  compareString,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Tests and returns true, if the given string-type object equals to what this object represents. True is returned if both are zero length or null. If compiled in debug mode, an assertion is thrown if the given object is not of type String, AString, Substring or char[].

compareStringAn object of string-type that is compared to this AString.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true, if contents of this and the given Substring are equal

◆ Equals() [3/5]

override bool Equals ( Object  o)

Compares this to the given object. Given object can be AString or String.

oThe Object that this instance is compared with.
True if given object equals this.

◆ Equals() [4/5]

bool Equals ( String  compareString,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Tests and returns true, if the given String equals to what this object represents. True is returned if both are zero length or null.

compareStringThe AString that is compared to this AString.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true, if contents of this and the given AString are equal

◆ Equals() [5/5]

bool Equals ( Substring  compareString,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Tests and returns true, if the given Substring equals to what this object represents. True is returned if both are zero length or null.

compareStringThe Substring that is compared to this AString.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true, if contents of this and the given Substring are equal

◆ Escape()

AString Escape ( Switch  escape = Switch.On,
int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Escapes non-printable characters in the given region, or converts such escaped characters to their ASCII values.
If the new region length is needed to be known, it can be calculated as the sum of the old region length and the difference of the string before and after the operation.

escapeSwitch.On escapes ascii characters (the default), Switch.Off converts escaped strings to ascii codes.
regionStartThe start of the region to convert.
regionLengthThe length of the region to convert.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ Field()

AString Field ( int  size = -1,
Alignment  alignment = Alignment.Right,
char  padChar = ' ',
int  fieldStart = int.MaxValue 

If invoked without parameters, the start of a field is marked at the current end of the string. Otherwise the end of a field is set and the contents between the field start marker and the current end of the string is aligned within the field using the given pad character. Note: To implement nested fields, the outer fields have to be set by providing the start marker by using the parameter fieldStart. Hence, only the starting points of the most inner fields can be set using this method without parameters.

sizeThe field size in relation to the starting index of the field, defined either by using Field() prior to this invocation or by providing the parameter fieldStart. The field gets filled with the given pad character to meet the size while the content gets aligned left, right or centered. If the content exceeds the size, then no alignment takes place.
alignmentThe alignment of the contents within the field. Defaults to Alignment.Right. Other options are Alignment.Left and Alignment.Center.
padCharThe character used to fill the field up to its size. Defaults to ' ' (space).
fieldStartThis parameter, if given, overwrites the start index of the field. The invocation of Field can be omitted, when this value is explicitly provided. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int GetHashCode ( )

Calculates the hash value using the same formula as java.lang.String.

A hash value for this object.

◆ IndexOf() [1/4]

int IndexOf ( AString  needle,
int  startIdx = 0,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Search the given AString in the this.

needleThe string to search.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. Optional and defaults to 0.
sensitivityIf true, the compare is case insensitive. Optional and defaults to false.
-1 if the String is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ IndexOf() [2/4]

int IndexOf ( char  needle,
int  startIdx = 0 

Search the given character in the buffer.

needleThe character to search.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. Optional and defaults to 0.
-1 if the character is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ IndexOf() [3/4]

int IndexOf ( String  needle,
int  startIdx = 0,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Search the given String in this.

needleThe String to search.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. Optional and defaults to 0.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
-1 if the String is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ IndexOf() [4/4]

int IndexOf ( Substring  needle,
int  startIdx = 0,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Search the given Substring in the this.

needleThe string to search.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. Optional and defaults to 0.
sensitivityIf true, the compare is case insensitive. Optional and defaults to false.
-1 if the String is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ IndexOfAny()

int IndexOfAny ( char[]  needles,
Inclusion  inclusion,
int  startIdx = 0 

Returns the index of the first character which is included, respectively not included in a given set of characters.

This method searches from left to right. For reverse search, see LastIndexOfAny.

needlesAString with characters to be searched for.
inclusionDenotes whether the search returns the first index that holds a value that is included or that is not excluded in the set of needle characters.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. If the given value is less than 0, it is set to 0. If it exceeds the length of the string, the length of the string is returned. Defaults to 0.
The index of the first character found which is included, respectively not included, in the given set of characters. If nothing is found, -1 is returned.

◆ IndexOfOrLength() [1/2]

int IndexOfOrLength ( char  needle)

Like IndexOf but in case the character is not found, this method returns the length of this string instead of -1. Depending on the invocation context, the choice for the right version of this method may lead to shorter and more efficient code.

needleThe character to search for.
This strings Length if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ IndexOfOrLength() [2/2]

int IndexOfOrLength ( char  needle,
int  startIdx 

Like IndexOf but in case the character is not found, this method returns the length of this string instead of -1. Depending on the invocation context, the choice for the right version of this method may lead to shorter and more efficient code.

needleThe character to search for.
startIdxThe index in this to start searching the character.
This strings Length if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

◆ InsertAt() [1/5]

AString InsertAt ( AString  src,
int  pos 

Inserts a Substring . If the position is not between 0 and the length of the target, nothing is inserted.

To insert a string with replacing a different one at the same time, use one of the overloaded methods ReplaceSubstring.
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
posThe position in this object insert the portion of src.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertAt() [2/5]

AString InsertAt ( char[]  src,
int  cStart,
int  cLength,
int  pos 

Inserts a portion of the given char[] at a given position. If the position is not between 0 and the length of the target, nothing is inserted.

Parameters cStart and cLength are not checked to match the size of src.
To insert a string with replacing a different one at the same time, use ReplaceSubstring(src, pos, regionLength).
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
cStartThe start of the substring in src to insert.
cLengthThe length of the substring in src to insert.
posThe position in this object insert the portion of src.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertAt() [3/5]

AString InsertAt ( String  src,
int  pos 

Inserts a String at a given position. If the position is not between 0 and the length of the target, nothing is inserted.

To insert a string with replacing a different one at the same time, use one of the overloaded methods ReplaceSubstring.
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
posThe position in this object insert the portion of src.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertAt() [4/5]

AString InsertAt ( StringBuilder  src,
int  pos 

Inserts a StringBuilder at a given position. If the position is not between 0 and the length of the target, nothing is inserted.

To insert a string with replacing a different one at the same time, use one of the overloaded methods ReplaceSubstring.
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
posThe position in this object insert the portion of src.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertAt() [5/5]

AString InsertAt ( Substring  src,
int  pos 

Inserts a Substring at a given position. If the position is not between 0 and the length of the target, nothing is inserted.

To insert a string with replacing a different one at the same time, use one of the overloaded methods ReplaceSubstring.
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
posThe position in this object insert the portion of src.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertChars() [1/2]

AString InsertChars ( char  c,
int  qty 

Inserts the given character n-times at the end of this string (appends).

cThe character to append.
qtyThe quantity of characters to append.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ InsertChars() [2/2]

AString InsertChars ( char  c,
int  qty,
int  pos 

Inserts the given character n-times at a given position. If the given position is out of range, nothing is inserted.

cThe character to insert qty times.
qtyThe quantity of characters to insert.
posThe index in this object where c is inserted qty times.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool IsEmpty ( )

Returns true if the actual length equals zero.

true if the actual length equals zero.

◆ IsNotEmpty()

bool IsNotEmpty ( )

Returns true if the actual length does not equal zero.

true if the actual length does not equal zero.

◆ IsNotNull()

bool IsNotNull ( )

Returns false if no buffer space is allocated, true otherwise. This might be the case, if constructed with AString() or AString(0), by invoking SetBuffer(0) or SetNull.

true if no buffer is allocated.

◆ IsNull() [1/2]

bool IsNull ( )

Returns true if no buffer space is allocated, false otherwise. This might be the case, if constructed with AString() or AString(0), by invoking SetBuffer(0) or SetNull.

true if no buffer is allocated.

◆ IsNull() [2/2]

static bool IsNull ( Object  o)

Static method to test if an arbitrary object is null. In case of type AString or Substring null is returned when they are nulled.

oThe object to test
true if given object is null or a nulled ALib string type.

◆ IsNullOrEmpty()

static bool IsNullOrEmpty ( AString  ms)

Static method to test if an AString is null or has a length of 0.

msThe AString to test.
true if given AString is null or has a length of 0.

◆ LastIndexOf()

int LastIndexOf ( char  needle,
int  startIndex = int.MaxValue 

Searches a character backwards starting at the end or at given start index.

needleThe character to search for.
startIndexThe index in this to start searching the character. Defaults to CString.MaxLen.
-1 if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of its last occurrence relative to the start index.

◆ LastIndexOfAny()

int LastIndexOfAny ( char[]  needles,
Inclusion  inclusion,
int  startIdx = int.MaxValue 

Returns the index of the first character which is included, respectively not included in a given set of characters. The search starts at the given index and goes backward. For forward search, see IndexOfAny.

needlesAString with characters to be searched for.
inclusionDenotes whether the search returns the first index that holds a value that is included or that is not excluded in the set of needle characters.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. The value is cropped to be in the bounds of 0 and the length of this AString minus one. Defaults to maximum integer value.
The index of the first character found which is included, respectively not included, in the given set of characters. If nothing is found, -1 is returned.

◆ Length()

int Length ( )

Returns the actual length of this AString. This number is smaller or equals the number returned by Capacity.

The length of the string represented by this.

◆ NewLine()

AString NewLine ( )

Appends platform specific new line character(s). ( "\\r\\n", "\\r", etc.). The new length of the string is recorded as the reference position for Tab.

this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ParseBin() [1/6]

ulong ParseBin ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in binary format at the given position from this AString. This is done, by invoking NumberFormat.ParseBin on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseBin() [2/6]

ulong ParseBin ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseBin() [3/6]

ulong ParseBin ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseBin() [4/6]

ulong ParseBin ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseBin() [5/6]

ulong ParseBin ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseBin() [6/6]

ulong ParseBin ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseDec() [1/6]

ulong ParseDec ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in standard decimal format at the given position from this AString. This is done, by invoking NumberFormat.ParseDec on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

Sign literals '-' or '+' are not accepted and parsing will fail. For reading signed integer values, see methods ParseInt, for floating point numbers ParseFloat.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseDec() [2/6]

ulong ParseDec ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseDec() [3/6]

ulong ParseDec ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseDec() [4/6]

ulong ParseDec ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseDec() [5/6]

ulong ParseDec ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseDec() [6/6]

ulong ParseDec ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseDecDigits()

ulong ParseDecDigits ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Parses an integer value consisting of characters '0' to '9' from this string.
Unlike with ParseInt or ParseDec, no sign, whitespaces or group characters are accepted.

startIdxThe start index from where the integer value is tried to be parsed. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the float number that was parsed. If parsing fails, it will be set to the value of parameter startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseFloat() [1/6]

double ParseFloat ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Reads a floating point number at the given position from this AString. This is done, by invoking NumberFormat.ParseFloat on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to 'international' settings (not using the locale) and therefore also not parsing grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on parsing options for floating point numbers and number conversion in general, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseFloat() [2/6]

double ParseFloat ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseFloat() [3/6]

double ParseFloat ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseFloat() [4/6]

double ParseFloat ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseFloat() [5/6]

double ParseFloat ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseFloat() [6/6]

double ParseFloat ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseHex() [1/6]

ulong ParseHex ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in hexadecimal format at the given position from this AString. This is done, by invoking NumberFormat.ParseHex on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseHex() [2/6]

ulong ParseHex ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseHex() [3/6]

ulong ParseHex ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseHex() [4/6]

ulong ParseHex ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseHex() [5/6]

ulong ParseHex ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseHex() [6/6]

ulong ParseHex ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseInt() [1/6]

long ParseInt ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Parses a long integer value in decimal, binary, hexadecimal or octal format from the string by invoking method NumberFormat.ParseInt on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseInt() [2/6]

long ParseInt ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseInt() [3/6]

long ParseInt ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseInt() [4/6]

long ParseInt ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseInt() [5/6]

long ParseInt ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseInt() [6/6]

long ParseInt ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseOct() [1/6]

ulong ParseOct ( int  startIdx,
NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in octal format at the given position from this AString. This is done, by invoking NumberFormat.ParseOct on the given numberFormat instance.
Parameter numberFormat defaults to null. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat.Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx, even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat. All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseOct() [2/6]

ulong ParseOct ( int  startIdx,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseOct() [3/6]

ulong ParseOct ( int  startIdx = 0,
NumberFormat  numberFormat = null 

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseOct() [4/6]

ulong ParseOct ( NumberFormat  numberFormat)

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
The parsed value.

◆ ParseOct() [5/6]

ulong ParseOct ( NumberFormat  numberFormat,
out int  newIdx 

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to null.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseOct() [6/6]

ulong ParseOct ( out int  newIdx)

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the input/output parameter idx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ReplaceRegion()

AString ReplaceRegion ( char  c,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Replaces a region in the string with the given character. The region is adjusted to fit into the current length. In other words, the length of this instances remains the same.

To replace a region with a single character (by shrinking the region to this character) use ReplaceSubstring( " + c, regionStart, regionLength)".
cThe character to set in the region.
regionStartThe start of the region
regionLengthThe length of the region
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ReplaceSubstring() [1/4]

AString ReplaceSubstring ( AString  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Replaces a region in this object by a given AString. If the region does not fit to this object, then nothing is done.

srcThe replacement string.
regionStartThe start of the region.
regionLengthThe length of the region.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ReplaceSubstring() [2/4]

AString ReplaceSubstring ( char[]  src,
int  cStart,
int  cLength,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Replaces a region in this object by a portion of a character array. If the region does not fit to this object, then nothing is done.

Parameters cStart and cLength are not checked to match the size of src.
srcThe char[] to insert characters from.
cStartThe start of the substring in src to insert.
cLengthThe length of the substring in src to insert.
regionStartThe start of the region.
regionLengthThe length of the region.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ReplaceSubstring() [3/4]

AString ReplaceSubstring ( String  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Replaces a region in this object by a given string. If the region does not fit to this object, then nothing is done.

srcThe replacement string.
regionStartThe start of the region.
regionLengthThe length of the region.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ReplaceSubstring() [4/4]

AString ReplaceSubstring ( Substring  src,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength 

Replaces a region in this object by a given Substring. If the region does not fit to this object, then nothing is done.

srcThe replacement string.
regionStartThe start of the region.
regionLengthThe length of the region.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ resizeRegion()

bool resizeRegion ( int  regionStart,
int  regionLength,
int  newLength 

Protected method that resizes a region into the Buffer. The region contents is undefined.

regionStartThe start of the region to insert. If this is out of the string bounds (hence less than 0 or greater then Length), nothing is done.
regionLengthThe current length of the region.
newLengthThe desired length of the region.
true, if the parameters were OK and the region was resized, false otherwise.

◆ SearchAndReplace() [1/3]

int SearchAndReplace ( AString  searchStr,
AString  newStr,
int  startIdx = 0,
int  maxReplacements = int.MaxValue,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Replace one or more occurrences of a string by another string. Returns the number of replacements.

searchStrThe String to be replaced.
newStrThe replacement string.
startIdxThe index where the search starts. Optional and defaults to 0.
maxReplacementsThe maximum number of replacements to perform. Optional and defaults to int.MaxValue .
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
The number of replacements that where performed.

◆ SearchAndReplace() [2/3]

int SearchAndReplace ( char  needle,
char  replacement,
int  startIdx = 0 

Replaces one or more occurrences of one character by another character.

needleThe terminatable string to be replaced.
replacementThe replacement string (does not need to be zero terminatable).
startIdxThe index where the search starts. Optional and defaults 0.
The number of replacements that where performed.

◆ SearchAndReplace() [3/3]

int SearchAndReplace ( String  searchStr,
String  newStr,
int  startIdx = 0,
int  maxReplacements = int.MaxValue,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Replace one or more occurrences of a string by another string. Returns the number of replacements.

searchStrThe String to be replaced.
newStrThe replacement string.
startIdxThe index where the search starts. Optional and defaults to 0.
maxReplacementsThe maximum number of replacements to perform. Optional and defaults to int.MaxValue .
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
The number of replacements that where performed.

◆ SearchAndReplaceAll() [1/2]

AString SearchAndReplaceAll ( AString  searchStr,
AString  newStr,
int  startIdx = 0,
int  maxReplacements = int.MaxValue,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Replace one or more occurrences of a string by another string.

The difference to SearchAndReplace is that this method returns this to allow concatenated calls.
searchStrThe String to be replaced.
newStrThe replacement string.
startIdxThe index where the search starts. Optional and defaults to 0.
maxReplacementsThe maximum number of replacements to perform. Optional and defaults to int.MaxValue .
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ SearchAndReplaceAll() [2/2]

AString SearchAndReplaceAll ( String  searchStr,
String  newStr,
int  startIdx = 0,
int  maxReplacements = int.MaxValue,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Replace one or more occurrences of a string by another string.

The difference to SearchAndReplace is that this method returns this to allow concatenated calls.
searchStrThe String to be replaced.
newStrThe replacement string.
startIdxThe index where the search starts. Optional and defaults to 0.
maxReplacementsThe maximum number of replacements to perform. Optional and defaults to int.MaxValue .
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ SetBuffer()

void SetBuffer ( int  newCapacity)

Resizes the internal buffer to meet exactly the given size.

The following rules apply:

  • The string represented by this instance is copied to the new buffer. If this is larger than the new buffer size, the string is cut at the end to fit.
  • If the desired new size is 0, then the currently allocated buffer will be released. In this case method Buffer will still return an empty constant character array (using an internal singleton) but method IsNull will return true.
Any methods of this class that extend the length of the string represented, will invoke this method if the current buffer size is not sufficient. If a future string length of an AString is predictable, then it is advisable to allocate such size upfront to avoid recurring allocations.
newCapacityThe new capacity of the internal buffer.

◆ SetCharAt()

void SetCharAt ( int  idx,
char  c 

Sets the character at the given index. A range check is performed. If this fails, nothing is done.

idxThe index of the character to write.
cThe character to write.

◆ SetCharAt_NC()

void SetCharAt_NC ( int  idx,
char  c 

Sets the character at the given index.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
idxThe index of the character to write.
cThe character to write.

◆ SetLength()

int SetLength ( int  newLength)

Set the actual length of the stored string. The string can only be shortened with this method. To change the internal allocation size, see SetBuffer.

newLengthThe new length of the AString. Must be smaller than the current length.
The new length of the string represented by this. ESCString.

◆ SetLength_NC()

void SetLength_NC ( int  newLength)

Set the actual length of the stored string. The string can only be shortened with this method.

Non checking variant of original method. See Non-checking methods for _NC method variants.
newLengthThe new length of the AString. Must be between 0 and the current length.

◆ SetNull()

void SetNull ( )

Invokes SetBuffer(0).

true if no buffer is allocated.

◆ StartsWith() [1/3]

bool StartsWith ( AString  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this AString starts with the given String.

needleThe AString to search. If s is null or empty, false is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given AString, false if not.

◆ StartsWith() [2/3]

bool StartsWith ( String  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this AString starts with the given String.

needleThe String to search. If s is null or empty, false is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given sequence, false if not.

◆ StartsWith() [3/3]

bool StartsWith ( Substring  needle,
Case  sensitivity = Case.Sensitive 

Checks if this AString starts with the given Substring.

needleThe Substring to search. If s is null or empty, false is returned.
sensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case.Sensitive.
true if this starts with the given Substring, false if not.

◆ Tab()

AString Tab ( int  tabSize,
int  minPad = 1,
char  tabChar = ' ' 

Go to the next tab stop by filling in pad characters repeatedly. The tab position is relative the start of the current line within the string (if no calls to NewLine where performed, yet, this is always the start of the string).

While any append operation is allowed, manipulations like Delete or InsertAt will not correct the internal tab reference position to match the index of the then current start of the last line in this string.
tabSizeThe tab positions are multiples of this parameter.
minPad(Optional) The minimum pad characters to add. Defaults to 1.
tabChar(Optional) The character to insert to reach the tab position. Defaults to ' ' (space).
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ToLower()

AString ToLower ( int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Converts all or a region of characters in the Buffer to lower case.

regionStartStart of the region to be converted. Defaults to 0
regionLengthLength of the region to be converted. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ ToString() [1/4]

override String ToString ( )

Creates a String containing a copy of the contents of this AString.

A String that represents this object.

◆ ToString() [2/4]

String ToString ( int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Creates a String containing a copy of a region of the contents of this AString.

regionStartThe start index of the region in this to create the string from.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region to create the string from. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
A String that represents the specified sub region of this object.

◆ ToString() [3/4]

StringBuilder ToString ( StringBuilder  result,
bool  appendMode = false 

Copies the contents of this AString into the given StringBuilder.

resultA result string to copy the contents of this AString into.
appendModeOptional: If true, any contents in the result is preserved. Otherwise such content gets replaced (default).
The (modified) result that was provided (for concatenation of calls).

◆ ToString() [4/4]

StringBuilder ToString ( StringBuilder  result,
int  regionStart,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue,
bool  appendMode = false 

Copies a region of the contents of this AString into the given StringBuilder.

resultA result string to copy the specified region into.
regionStartThe start index of the region to be copied.
regionLengthThe maximum length of the region to be copied. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
appendModeIf true, any contents in the result is preserved. Otherwise such content gets replaced. Defaults to false.
The (modified) result that was provided (for concatenation of calls).

◆ ToUpper()

AString ToUpper ( int  regionStart = 0,
int  regionLength = int.MaxValue 

Converts all or a region of characters in the Buffer to upper case.

regionStartStart of the region to be converted. Defaults to 0
regionLengthLength of the region to be converted. Defaults to int.MaxValue.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ Trim()

AString Trim ( char[]  trimChars = null)

All characters defined in given set are removed at the beginning and at the end of this AString.

See method TrimAt to remove whitespaces anywhere in the string.

trimCharsThe set of characters to be omitted. Defaults to null which causes this method to use CString.DefaultWhitespaces.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ TrimAt()

int TrimAt ( int  idx,
char[]  trimChars = null 

All characters defined in given set at, left of and right of the given index are removed from the string.
The method returns index of the first character of those characters that were behind the trimmed region. With legal index given, this value can only be smaller or equal to index. If index is out of bounds, the length of the string is returned.

idxThe index to perform the trim operation at. Has to be between zero and Length() -1.
trimCharsPointer to a zero terminated set of characters to be omitted. Defaults to CString.DefaultWhitespaces.
The index of the first character of those characters that were behind the trimmed region.

◆ TrimEnd()

AString TrimEnd ( char[]  trimChars = null)

All characters defined in given set are removed at the end of this string.

See also
Method TrimAt to remove whitespaces at arbitrary places in the string.
trimCharsThe set of characters to be omitted. Defaults to CString.DefaultWhitespaces.
this to allow concatenated calls.

◆ TrimStart()

AString TrimStart ( char[]  trimChars = null)

All characters defined in given set are removed at the beginning of this string.

See also
Method TrimAt to remove whitespaces at arbitrary places in the string.
trimCharsThe set of characters to be omitted. Defaults to CString.DefaultWhitespaces.
this to allow concatenated calls.

Member Data Documentation

◆ buffer

char [] buffer =CString.NullBuffer

The Buffer array. This may but should not be accessed directly. In case of external modifications the field hash has to be set to dirty (0).

◆ hash

int hash =0

The hash value. Has to be set dirty (0) whenever String is changed from outside!.

◆ length

int length =0

The actual length of the string stored in the Buffer. In case of external modifications the field hash has to be set to dirty (0).

Property Documentation

◆ this[int idx]

char? this[int idx]

The C# indexer allows array type access. This is implemented here including a range check. If this fails, the get part will return '\0', the set part will do nothing.

Access to the characters without index check is provided with method CharAt_NC.
idxThe index of the character to read.
The character at the given index, or '\0' if index out of range.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: