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AnsiConsoleLogger Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AnsiConsoleLogger:
Collaboration diagram for AnsiConsoleLogger:

Class Description

A AnsiLogger that logs all messages to the PrintStream object found in field System.out. by providing this field to the constructor of its parent class AnsiLogger. See class AnsiLogger for more information on ANSI escape sequences and their use.

The name of the Logger defaults to "ANSI_CONSOLE".

This class can not enable the output console (which receives ALox log data) to support ANSI Escape Codes. The opposite is right: this class should be used only if the console supports ANSI Escape Codes.

Public Methods

 AnsiConsoleLogger ()
 AnsiConsoleLogger (String name)
- Public Methods inherited from AnsiLogger
 AnsiLogger (PrintStream out, boolean usesStdStreams)
 AnsiLogger (PrintStream out, boolean usesStdStreams, String name)
 AnsiLogger (PrintStream out, boolean usesStdStreams, String name, String typeName)
- Public Methods inherited from TextLogger
int addAcquirer (ThreadLock newAcquirer)
void clearReplacements ()
void log (Domain domain, Verbosity verbosity, ArrayList< Object > logables, ScopeInfo scope)
int removeAcquirer (ThreadLock acquirer)
void resetAutoSizes ()
void setReplacement (String searched, String replacement)
- Public Methods inherited from Logger
String getName ()
String getTypeName ()
String toString ()
- Public Methods inherited from SmartLock
 SmartLock ()
int cntAcquirers ()
- Public Methods inherited from ThreadLock
 ThreadLock ()
 ThreadLock (LockMode lockMode)
 ThreadLock (LockMode lockMode, Safeness safeness)
void acquire ()
int dbgCountAcquirements (Thread thread)
LockMode getMode ()
Safeness getSafeness ()
void release ()
void setSafeness (Safeness safeness)
boolean willRelease ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Static Fields inherited from AnsiLogger
static final String ANSI_BG_BLACK ="\033[40m"
 Select black as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_BLUE ="\033[44m"
 Select blue as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_CYAN ="\033[46m"
 Select cyan as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_GRAY ="\033[48;5;240m"
 Select gray as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_GREEN ="\033[42m"
 Select green as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_BLUE ="\033[48;5;12m"
 Select light blue as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_CYAN ="\033[48;5;14m"
 Select light cyan as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_GRAY ="\033[48;5;250m"
 Select light gray as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_GREEN ="\033[48;5;10m"
 Select light green as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_MAGENTA ="\033[48;5;13m"
 Select light magenta as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_RED ="\033[48;5;09m"
 Select light red as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_LIGHT_YELLOW ="\033[48;5;11m"
 Select light yellow as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_MAGENTA ="\033[45m"
 Select magenta as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_RED ="\033[41m"
 Select red as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_STD_COL ="\033[49m"
 Select standard background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_WHITE ="\033[48;5;15m"
 Select white as background color.
static final String ANSI_BG_YELLOW ="\033[43m"
 Select yellow as background color.
static final String ANSI_BLACK ="\033[30m"
 Select black as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_BLUE ="\033[34m"
 Select blue as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_BOLD ="\033[1m"
 Select bold font style.
static final String ANSI_CYAN ="\033[36m"
 Select cyan as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_GRAY ="\033[38;5;240m"
 Select gray as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_GREEN ="\033[32m"
 Select green as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_ITALICS ="\033[3m"
 Select italics font style.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE ="\033[38;5;12m"
 Select light blue as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_CYAN ="\033[38;5;14m"
 Select light cyan as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_GRAY ="\033[38;5;250m"
 Select light gray as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_GREEN ="\033[38;5;10m"
 Select light green as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_MAGENTA ="\033[38;5;13m"
 Select light magenta as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_RED ="\033[38;5;09m"
 Select light red as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_LIGHT_YELLOW ="\033[38;5;11m"
 Select light yellow as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_MAGENTA ="\033[35m"
 Select magenta as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_RED ="\033[31m"
 Select red as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_RESET ="\033[0m"
 Reset colors and font style.
static final String ANSI_STD_COL ="\033[39m"
 Select standard foreground color.
static final String ANSI_STD_STYLE ="\033[0m"
 Select standard font style.
static final String ANSI_WHITE ="\033[38;5;15m"
 Select white as foreground color.
static final String ANSI_YELLOW ="\033[33m"
 Select yellow as foreground color.
- Public Fields inherited from AnsiLogger
LightColorUsage useLightColors
- Public Fields inherited from TextLogger
AutoSizes autoSizes = new AutoSizes()
ObjectConverter converter
String fmtMsgSuffix =""
String fmtMultiLineMsgHeadline ="ALox: Multi line message follows: "
String fmtMultiLinePrefix = ">> "
String fmtMultiLineSuffix = null
MetaInfo metaInfo = new MetaInfo()
String multiLineDelimiter = null
String multiLineDelimiterRepl = "\\r"
int multiLineMsgMode = 2
- Public Fields inherited from Logger
int cntLogs
Ticks timeOfCreation = new Ticks()
Ticks timeOfLastLog = new Ticks()
- Public Fields inherited from ThreadLock
int recursionWarningThreshold = 10
int waitWarningTimeLimitInMillis = 1000
- Protected Fields inherited from AnsiLogger
String[] ansiCols
PrintStream out
- Protected Fields inherited from TextLogger
AString logBuf = new AString( 256 )
AString msgBuf = new AString( 128 )
ArrayList< String > replacements = new ArrayList<String>()
int stdStreamLockRegistrationCounter =0
boolean usesStdStreams
- Protected Fields inherited from Logger
String name
String typeName
- Protected Fields inherited from SmartLock
ArrayList< ThreadLockacquirers = new ArrayList<ThreadLock>()
- Protected Fields inherited from ThreadLock
int cntAcquirements
boolean createOwnerStackTrace = false
LockMode lockMode
Object mutex
Thread owner
Exception ownerException
Ticks waitTime = new Ticks()
- Protected Methods inherited from AnsiLogger
void construct (PrintStream ps)
void logText (Domain domain, Verbosity verbosity, AString msg, ScopeInfo scope, int lineNumber)
void notifyMultiLineOp (Phase phase)
- Protected Methods inherited from TextLogger
 TextLogger (String name, String typeName, boolean usesStdStreams)
- Protected Methods inherited from Logger
 Logger (String name, String typeName)
- Package Access Methods inherited from ThreadLock
void constructor (LockMode lockMode, Safeness safeness)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AnsiConsoleLogger() [1/2]

AnsiConsoleLogger ( String  name)

Creates an AnsiConsoleLogger with the given name using System.out as PrintStream.

name(Optional) The name of the Logger, defaults to "ANSI_CONSOLE".

◆ AnsiConsoleLogger() [2/2]

Creates an AnsiLogger with the name "ANSI" using System.out as PrintStream.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: